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21 RUN vomit
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1 to 12 of 12 comments

thepukeMasterTRK thepukeMasterTRK 2008-07-10
go greg! YEAH!
Spewey Spewey 2007-05-07
ok like y is it sideways?
Tha_1 Tha_1 2006-11-27
he is actually standing on the floor, the camera has been tilted upside down
Vomit Couture Vomit Couture 2005-12-28
Cool trick, how do you puke on the wall without it running everywhere?

He-Puked-On-My-Skateboard He-Puked-On-My-Skateboard 2005-06-22
Wow..how'd he leran to do that!?! i wanna stand on the wall too!
Jackie Jackie 2005-05-10
I think the the photo being on it's side creates a great illusion. I feel as though the vomit is going to fall all over that guy. A thrilling thought!
drunk_dude drunk_dude 2005-01-03
oi dude respect tha hondas..i fukn ride one, and tell ur mate 2 turn the cam the rite way
CRYN_OUT CRYN_OUT 2004-12-19
How did he puke straight ahead? *wink wink*
coolvom coolvom 2004-06-07
take that bike and go!
mc_gagger mc_gagger 2004-05-17
did u just.....yknow fall while he was puking? unless he's like, one of those vaudeville folk that jump onto walls
simonlibertine simonlibertine 2003-09-05
simonlibertine simonlibertine 2003-09-04
legolas girl lets rub our faces in that broth baby!

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