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Open Question: My mom keeps vomiting?
She's going to the hospital but ever since had her period she is vomiting everything she eats and drinks. She's is her early forties. She feels very weak and dizzy. She even vomited with some blood
Open Question: Vomiting after birth control pill?
Hi, I started taking pills (the first time) at 31. July (I had my period). But I was vomiting yesterday (2. August) 2 hours after pill. My boyfriend will come at 6. August, have we use another prote
Open Question: Green vision, hot and clammy, feeling like going to vomit?
Hi, I am a 15 year old girl. And I have had a few incidents where suddenly I feel like I am going to vomit , it feels really hot, and my vision goes green or black for 5-10 minutes. I also get a bad
rate my vomit
Comments made by Chilli:Sicky:Babe
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31 to 45 of 46 comments

Chilli:Sicky:Babe Chilli:Sicky:Babe 2004-05-25 Chilli:Sicky:Babe vomit
LowGie I totally agree! Poor guy. He must be a strong guy to puke vomit that breaks the door!
Chilli:Sicky:Babe Chilli:Sicky:Babe 2004-05-25 Chilli:Sicky:Babe vomit
I can't take these gross things anymore! *holds tummy and doesn't want to puke* oops *pukes on keyboard* lol im better now
Chilli:Sicky:Babe Chilli:Sicky:Babe 2004-05-25 Chilli:Sicky:Babe vomit
Um............ very puky! I wouldn't like to work on that laptop!!!! Lol! *Touches pierced toungue and lip and feels sick*
Chilli:Sicky:Babe Chilli:Sicky:Babe 2004-05-25 Chilli:Sicky:Babe vomit
Heya peepz! This pic is the grossiest I've seen so far apart from my pic which is the best! Say hi to the owner of the pic!
Chilli:Sicky:Babe Chilli:Sicky:Babe 2004-05-25 Chilli:Sicky:Babe vomit
Oi! Rate MY vomit! It's called
this horse puked after my ride
it is gross
Chilli:Sicky:Babe Chilli:Sicky:Babe 2004-05-25 Chilli:Sicky:Babe vomit
i gunna puke myself lol
Chilli:Sicky:Babe Chilli:Sicky:Babe 2004-05-24 Chilli:Sicky:Babe vomit
I looooooooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvveeeeee that pic!!!!!!!!! He is so hot!!!!!!! Poor guy though 'cause he puked!
Chilli:Sicky:Babe Chilli:Sicky:Babe 2004-05-24 Chilli:Sicky:Babe vomit
Petey, mandy, lo and floe puked when i wasn't looking! You can't see much because I cleaned it up!
Chilli:Sicky:Babe Chilli:Sicky:Babe 2004-05-24 Chilli:Sicky:Babe vomit
This is Special Needs, the horse I am riding. She puked mega after I rid her! Some of the grass behind her has puke in it!
Chilli:Sicky:Babe Chilli:Sicky:Babe 2004-05-24 Chilli:Sicky:Babe vomit
Hey legolasgirl I have msn! My addy is cutie2796@hotmail.com Plz add me i've got a wiked name!
Chilli:Sicky:Babe Chilli:Sicky:Babe 2004-05-24 Chilli:Sicky:Babe vomit
I think that looks like the puke twins all grown up in a car! Ewww! Perhaps you should have added some extra poo and cat puke...
Chilli:Sicky:Babe Chilli:Sicky:Babe 2004-05-24 Chilli:Sicky:Babe vomit
CRYIN_OUT that is gross! I think that all vomits on this site are totally grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrooooooooooooooooossss!
Chilli:Sicky:Babe Chilli:Sicky:Babe 2004-05-24 Chilli:Sicky:Babe vomit
You poor thing - I bet you couldn't puke up properly so you had to stay over the loo all day to puke a bit up! lol
Chilli:Sicky:Babe Chilli:Sicky:Babe 2004-05-24 Chilli:Sicky:Babe vomit
Looks like a yummy dip to me! *takes toritilla and puts vomit on toritilla* Mmm! That was delicious! lol Love the puke colour!
Chilli:Sicky:Babe Chilli:Sicky:Babe 2004-05-24 Chilli:Sicky:Babe vomit
Ewwwwwwwww!!!!! Gross!!!!! Perhaps that guy should go to the doctor and see if that is normal puke! *rings up doctor* lol

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