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Yahoo! Answers
Open Question: My mom keeps vomiting?
She's going to the hospital but ever since had her period she is vomiting everything she eats and drinks. She's is her early forties. She feels very weak and dizzy. She even vomited with some blood
Open Question: Vomiting after birth control pill?
Hi, I started taking pills (the first time) at 31. July (I had my period). But I was vomiting yesterday (2. August) 2 hours after pill. My boyfriend will come at 6. August, have we use another prote
Open Question: Green vision, hot and clammy, feeling like going to vomit?
Hi, I am a 15 year old girl. And I have had a few incidents where suddenly I feel like I am going to vomit , it feels really hot, and my vision goes green or black for 5-10 minutes. I also get a bad
rate my vomit
Comments made by gumpy
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1 to 15 of 25 comments

gumpy gumpy 2004-07-03 gumpy vomit
Awww, why couldn't she puke on that car? =(
gumpy gumpy 2004-07-03 gumpy vomit
Can't you read? It says: "Red Baron Pizza + Lots of Beer + Vodka + Hypnotiq = ..."

gumpy gumpy 2004-07-03 gumpy vomit
Either i'm drunk, or that pic really is blurry...
gumpy gumpy 2004-07-03 gumpy vomit
An aqua colored toilet? -_-
gumpy gumpy 2004-07-03 gumpy vomit
This is just stupid...
gumpy gumpy 2004-07-03 gumpy vomit
*singing* Over the rainbow~

gumpy gumpy 2004-07-03 gumpy vomit
One word: Awesome. ;D
gumpy gumpy 2004-07-03 gumpy vomit
It looks like there's a turd coming out of his ass...
gumpy gumpy 2004-07-03 gumpy vomit
Damn...it's even on the floor behind the laptop. =/
gumpy gumpy 2004-07-03 gumpy vomit
Wait a minute...I THINK I KNOW THAT GUY!
gumpy gumpy 2004-07-03 gumpy vomit
All over the sidewalk, too. Good job. ;D
gumpy gumpy 2004-07-03 gumpy vomit
Wow, that's amazing. Isn't this pic already here?
gumpy gumpy 2004-07-03 gumpy vomit
That's pretty weak...I don't think that bucket can hold it all...
gumpy gumpy 2004-07-03 gumpy vomit
Vegetable Stew. =/
gumpy gumpy 2004-07-03 gumpy vomit
It kinda reminds me of a human spine...

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